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Revealed: The 7 Stages Of Successful Cloud Software Development


There’s no denying that cloud-based software is on the rise these days. It’s possible to carry out many different tasks on software that gets run through a Web browser. Take Microsoft Office, for example. The Redmond-based firm offers a variety of Office titles that can get run online. That means people don’t need to have Office installed on their computers!

ComputerCloud software is also useful in various areas of a business. Traditional accounting packages are now going online. That makes it easier for company owners to update their records from home. In other cases, more people can work from home without need a particular computer spec. All they need is Internet access and a modern Web browser.

Are you thinking of creating some cloud-based software? If so, you’ll soon be joining the digital software revolution! But, what are the best practices for creating such software? Today’s handy guide will show you the seven stages of successful cloud software development. Here is what you need to know:

  1. Assess what you wish to achieve

Before you put on your programming hat, there’s one thing you need to do. In fact, it’s a vital task that all developers must carry out before they begin. No, I’m not talking about getting some snacks (although they help, of course).

What you need to do is determine what you wish to achieve with your software. For example, what problems do you wish to overcome? And which features do you think your potential users will need the most?

  1. Define the software’s structure

By now, you will have a fair idea of what you wish to achieve with your new cloud software project. But, how will you structure it? Let’s consider the following example. You wish to create some cloud software that lets users log visits to a retail store. It needs to log details of registered members.

How will you organize the information recorded? And what details do you need to log? Will managers be able to produce reports based on the data captured? And how can users rectify any data errors? It’s crucial that you define the navigational structure of your software. That way, users will know where to go to access or input information.

  1. Set up an environment to build your software

Most people think that they need to invest a lot of money building a development environment. Server hardware, Internet connections and even leasing office space are some cost examples. The thing is; it could cheaper than you think to set up a cloud software development environment!

Nowadays, savvy developers use a Paas provider for their programming needs. In case you wondered, PaaS stands for “Platform-as-a-Service.” What happens is you pay to “rent” an existing infrastructure. It’s dedicated to your needs, and can get customized accordingly.

  1. Define roles within your project

Now that you know what you’re creating and where to create it, you need to solve the question of who is doing the work! It might be tempting to tackle the entire software development project yourself. But, it’s not a good use of your time and resources. Also, your project could take years longer to create!

Instead, it makes sense to put together a team of expert developers. You can assign each person a set of tasks to complete. And you can be in charge of managing them all.

  1. Work towards developing for your desired platform

You may have a software development infrastructure in place. But, where you will migrate your cloud software once it’s finished? One quick Google search will reveal a plethora of cloud storage solutions on offer.

At that stage, you need to think about where you wish to host your cloud software product. Is a public cloud provider like Amazon suitable? Or do you wish to build your own infrastructure on a private cloud?

  1. Test your cloud software like it’s 1999

You might think I’ve been listening to much music lately. But, there is a deliberate reason why I’ve mentioned 1999. Back in that year, people were panicking about Y2K compliance. Of course, that’s not something we have to worry about anymore in this lifetime.

But, you need to make sure your cloud software won’t break under certain conditions. One such example is data storage, especially when it comes to storing dates.

  1. Roll out your software to some beta users

Following on from the previous point, there’s one last thing before you properly go live. You should invite a select few people to trial your software (for free). That way, you can find out if there are any major flaws you need to address.
Good luck!

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